Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Obama/Bayh '08?

Like the announcement that former Virginia governor Mark Warner will be the keynote speaker for the Democratic National Convention, the prospect of Evan Bayh being the VPOTUS nominee with BHO underwhelms me. My support for BHO will not falter, but I am as excited about Bayh as I am about melba toast.


BiblioDiva said...

I'll be really surprised if it's Byah. Byah has said he's willing to be VP, which is a good thing, but I think BHO will go with someone a little older.

Anonymous said...

Byah?? ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz ... talk about your snooze fest. BHO has to thread a tough needle on the VP slot. He shouldn't pick someone too young or too inexperienced (that whole "inexperience" thing -- as if some of our greatest presidents were loaded with it) ... and he shouldn't pick someone who's loaded with Washigton "experience" (sorry, Mr. Biden).

Richardson would be a good pick -- the only candidate among the Dems with executive experience, but I don't think the Bert and Myrtles out there would support a Hispanic AND an African-American. If only we lived in the "24" world ... *sigh*

My nightmare scenario is that with the race tightening a bit and McCain and Company doing a decent job of defining BHO in their terms (elitist, not-really-American, ad naseum), he just might be forced into putting HRC on the ticket. That's the thought that wakes me up at 3 in the morning ...