Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Deciders: Archie and Edith

As I am listening to the pundit class this Sunday morning, it is becoming clearer that election 2008 is really coming down to who can appeal to people like the fictional "Bunkers." Remember the Bunkers, Archie and Edith? They were the lovable working class white family that represented "real Americans." McCain was very clear in making sure to note that Sarah Palin's "story" should appeal to Americans; therefore, I am convinced that he is trying to go for symbols over substance.

Let's forget that McCain lives a life akin to a character on "Dynasty." That's not important. He wants to portray his campaign as an "All in the Family" campaign. I mean can those types of folks ever really relate to the Huxtables from "The Cosby Show?" Cliff and Clair Huxtable, clearly examples of those elitist, college educated, "un-American" types, have never had anything in common with Archie and Edith. As a matter of fact, I bet that people like Archie and Edith look at Cliff and Clair and just know that they were nothing but affirmative action beneficiaries who really have no skills or abilities worthy of consideration. Sarah Palin is like Gloria Bunker (with a properly conservative husband). Palin is who "Americans" can relate to. Palin is the one "Americans" can trust.

The more I consider it, the more I see the selection of Sarah Palin as a potentially deft move. It's identity politics on full display. Yet it's identity politics done by a Republican, and like affirmative action (can we say Clarence Thomas?), these types of moves are alright when the GOP does it. It's only un-American when Democrats do it.

So there it is. A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote for the America you know. A vote for Obama/Biden is a vote for the America you can't quite trust. Which way do you think that Archie or Edith would vote? And what will be the consequences? Are we ready?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

For Real!?

I will be the first to admit that I was just getting used to BHO's selection of Joe Biden as his running mate. My concern was about the potential claims that BHO really is inexperienced in foreign policy to the point that he had to turn to Washington (not change) for support. But as the Democratic convention moved along, and as situations around the world continued to swirl, I was becoming more comfortable with the pick.

Now here comes John McCain with Sarah Palin. I am still gobsmacked. I found this selection to be nothing more than a blatant attempt to see if the disgruntled HRC supporters, some of whom continue to claim that BHO stole this nomination, would be willing simply to support a woman. As the folks at noted, this is an example of the worst kind of affirmative action, though Republicans would never admit it.

McCain met her once. Palin has barely been vetted. She is under investigation in her own state, and her perspectives make my actual conservative friends seem almost liberal (and I mean you two, T.C. and P.C.). And this list from Daily Kos was fascinating.

I am not one to make predictions, and I have no idea if Palin will become one of the fastest learners in the land. However, little surprises me anymore. Therefore, I wouldn't be surprised if McCain supporters praised Palin for being an outsider (albeit with virtually no experience), while hammering BHO for being under-qualified (an affirmative action POTUS nominee perhaps). I am also sure that some will be quick to note that Palin is running for the #2 spot, as opposed to BHO.

All I know is that when it came to a test of judgment on this rather important decision, BHO was thoughtful, prudent and reasoned in his selection. McCain, however, was rash, imprudent and hurried in his selection. So much for "country first."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's All About the Mrs.

I already know that I am going to have to expand on my thoughts here, but I had to say something about Michelle Obama's speech. As I noted early on, it was Michelle Obama who got me to look at her husband more closely. I was riveted then, and I remain just as excited now.

I can barely describe how moving it was listening to her speech (via C-Span radio). I can only imagine that someone like Fannie Lou Hamer, who fought for her place as a part of the Mississippi delegation to the Democratic National convention 44 years ago, is rejoicing in heaven as she watched Michelle Obama show the world the humanity and American-ness of black people.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Obama/Bayh '08?

Like the announcement that former Virginia governor Mark Warner will be the keynote speaker for the Democratic National Convention, the prospect of Evan Bayh being the VPOTUS nominee with BHO underwhelms me. My support for BHO will not falter, but I am as excited about Bayh as I am about melba toast.