Not too long ago, I pondered whether the Bunkers of the world would ever feel comfortable with the Huxtables of the world. Well now these two gentlemen from Tennessee, have put together a product, "Obama Waffles," that might help the Bunkers of the world come to a decision. Please check out the article and video here. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the product apparently is selling briskly at the Values Voter Summit, where "Christians" have come to gather here in my city.
I love how they're all "gee, we didn't realize that might be offensive." and "well, sure Aunt Jemima's offensive, but this is more like Emeril."
Sure, guys. No offense intended. Just political commentary.
This election is insane.
I think we passed Insanity, in this election, a long time ago. It's interesting how these bubbas can keep a straight face with the "aww shucks, we ain't racists" bit ...
I thought this would be an election to see how far we've come as a nation regarding race relations. It looks like, though, it's going to be one of how far we can stoop. And this comes from a glass half-full kind of guy.
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