Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Sometimes you can want something so bad that you are willing to do almost anything to get it. Have you heard about the junior Senator from Illinois? This solipsistic megalomaniac, in his quest to become the fourth African American U.S. Senator since Reconstruction, seems to have forgotten a little thing called the truth. Each time he opens his mouth, I feel as though we are following Alice down the rabbit hole.

I hope Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) is proud of himself for injecting racial politics into the appointment of this fool. His admonishment about the lack of black faces in the exclusive club on the North side of the U.S. Capitol Building was unnecessary in the main, and farcical at the moment. Talk about a situation that didn't require racial politics.

I'll say it again; I really want the old guard of the Civil Rights Movement to go to the Grey Havens, where Cirdan is waiting to take them into the West. I'll vouch for Burris and Rush myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah Roland and Blago make quite the pair, huh? At least Senator Burris doesn't have silly hair...I mean, you got to give him that.