Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The "Horror" of Two Men Kissing on Television

I just saw this post over at Towleroad, and I have to say that I am not surprised. The faux controversy surrounding Adam Lambert's performance on the American Music Awards has reached a new level of stupidity. As the post at Towleroad noted, the CBS Early Show blurred the kiss between Lambert and a dude, and then went right into the lesbianic kisses among Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera:

For me, this shows how the reaction to male homosexual images is essentially rooted in misogyny. I would love to know why the person who green lit those clips thought that it would be fine to "expose" an early morning audience to women kissing, but felt the need to shield us from men doing the same. Of course the het male fantasy of two women going at it seems to have moved safely enough into the culture that two attractive women can kiss, even with passion, without much fanfare.

I wonder what it will take for a male/male kiss to become as non-controversial as a female/female kiss? I am glad that Lambert has given the country a teachable moment on just this very point.


Micheal Sisco said...

Oh No! ... Two men kissing! ... The universe, as we know it, will come to an end! ... Didn't we all see "2012?" ... heard it on the 700 Club or the Pay The Lord network that the Mayan Calendar ended on Dec. 21 2012 because two guys made out ...

Oh, the humanity!

Anonymous said...

What it will take is:

1. Photographs of men kissing after they take wedding vows in newspapers, magazines, and on the web.

2. Motion pictures and television shows REGULARLY featuring gay men sharing kisses and being openly affectionate.

3. Advertising agencies and their clients recognizing homosexuality when casting commercials, advertisements, and when choosing models for packaging.

Until enough of us "normalize" men loving men, and women loving women, the ridiculous fringe will start to dwindle.

Somehow civil rights don't seem to get acknowledged rapidly in the United States, where as media presence offers some degree of instant validation (example: America's newest media pig, Mrs. S. Palin, of Alaska).

I'm just sayin'...

hscfree said...

And again, it's the two MEN kissing that sends people over to crazy-land.