Thursday, January 21, 2010

To the Ladies McCain, Respect Where Respect is Due

Both Cindy and Meghan McCain have come out publicly in support of marriage equality (Sen. John remains comfortable with inequality). Meghan came out in favor of marriage equality a while ago, and I think that it is reflective of her generation; marriage equality is not a big deal, because being gay is not a big deal.

I think that it is important to recognize people who support marriage equality from all political stripes, because it is truly and issue about equality before the law. Thanks for being allies. This is a fight that will be won, hopefully in my lifetime.


Scott said...

You're right, it is a generational thing. Polling has shown for some time now that if the issue was left to people under 40 (regardless of political party) gay marriage would be approved with no problem. And this is exactly what represents the biggest dilemma for the GOP in the future.

Younger people--like the McCain daughters--may perfectly comfortable with economic, "small-government," low taxes libertarian government. But they are NOT gonna buy into the right-wing social agenda that has been such a part of the Republican base for 40 years. The whacko-right moralists are loud, but they are a minority that is shrinking all the time.

The Republicans will gain some seats in 2010. That's historically inevitable. But if the GOP wants any shot of ever regaining majority status it's going to have to swallow hard and divorce itself from the anti-abortion, anti-gay, pro-gun, Pat Robertson types.

There is no sign yet that the Republican leadership has yet grasped that fact.

Micheal Sisco said...

Yup ... they did a good thing ...

I still think Cindy has evil eyes, though ... had she lived in the 14th century or so, she would have been kindling