Friday, December 11, 2009

In Praise of Solid Reporting: U.S. Coverage of the Proposed Anti-Gay Legislation in Uganda

Though the outcome of the "Kill the Gays" legislation proposed in Uganda is still to be determined, I think that it is important to offer thanks and praise to "The Rachel Maddow Show." By bringing this issue directly into the homes of her viewers, Maddow has been able to put pressure on some of the more prominent American actors in this sad state of affairs, particularly the Christianist pastor Rick Warren, U.S. Senators Inhofe, Coburn and Grassley, and "ex-gay" "therapist" Richard Cohen.

It is also important to offer praise to all of the various GLBT blogs for highlighting this issue. I've really come to rely on the information I've read on Rod 2.0 and Towleroad, and I would totally encourage anyone who has read this blog to visit those brilliant blogs.

Unless I am mistaken, I sense changes happening as this issue continues to garner more attention. And my thoughts remain with the GLBT community in Uganda. I can only imagine how frightening it would be to know that my country was literally deciding my fate based solely on who I am and who I love.

I will continue to post about this issue until the Uganda legislature makes its decision on this legislation. In the meantime, here is the relevant segment from Maddow's show last night. Enjoy!

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UPDATE 12/11/09: I watched The Rachel Maddow Show tonight, and saw her latest segment on the Uganda issue. I have to give her show further credit for putting this information out there. Now, the Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni has been contacted directly by Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI). Check it out.

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Scott said...

Hey Free,
First, thanks for the links to the blogs Rod.2.0 and Towleroad. I hadn't seen them before and they're excellent.

As for Rachel and her coverage of the Uganda story--I love that woman. a gay male sort of way that is.

Carlos said...

Thanks for the news on Uganda. It's really too bad what has happened there but hopefully the tide is turning, if only somewhat.

And you are absolutely spot-on with the links. Towleroad is fabulous. Rod 2.0 is incredible. Most people, esp black LGBTs, would be amazed there is such a blog that exists in our community.