Well, political Washington is back in full swing, and I am confident little will be accomplished before the mid-terms. The latest Washington madness has been the whole expiration of the Bush tax cuts, cuts that were passed in the Congress through reconciliation, like health insurance reform (though when the GOP pushed through the tax cuts, it was hailed as a remarkable victory; health insurance reform was hailed by these same victory "hailers" as a usurpation of government, but I digress). I think it reasonable to have the wealthiest among us pay more taxes; they are about the only ones who can afford it. And I am not surprised by this call from Senator McConnell to work diligently to ensure that those in his tax bracket are spared going back to Clinton era taxes (that must have been a terrible period of extreme taxation, the '90s).
As one who is working on his own small business (more clients please!), I can assure folks that most small business people do not take home $250,000 annually. It simply isn't true. Yet, to hear the GOP talk, the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, and expiration of their making, will hit that majority directly. I will always give the GOP credit for creating a fantasy world where even their mendicant supporters need to ensure that Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao's taxes don't go up. How very clever indeed.
Personally, I believe that there has been class warfare going on for the last 30 years, but that class warfare has not been against the rich and/or wealthy (there is a difference). War has been waged against the middle, working and lower classes in our "classless" society. We have worked to maximize profits at the expense of American workers across the board. And many of us, by supporting things like excessive de-regulation and trickle down economic fallacies and playing police men of the world (have to keep the military-industrial complex sated), joined in on the fun, getting, at best, a home that might go into foreclosure, a 401K that is not worth very much, and a flat-screen television.
Let me know how much food those mendicants supporting the GOP will be able to put on their tables once the richest Americans secure those tax cuts we can't afford.
Do you realize that the “military-industrial complex” provide jobs to the middle class that you profess to be worried about? It also provides research with commercial applications. Do you like the Internet?
You seem to be suggesting that I want to eliminate the deparment of defense, and its many, many, many, many contractors (and in a rather condescending manner, but I know it happens; I do it too sometimes)If that is the case, then you would be wrong. I was born and raised in the Hampton Roads section of Virginia, and I am well aware of the importance of defense related jobs. However, it is irresponsible for anyone who claims to care about fiscal conservatism not to look at cuts, where there is waste. And we know that there is waste, particularly in the area of our defense contracts.
But I also know that Americans are innovative, and that innovation is not solely in the dominion of the military-industrial complex. Which reminds me, I suppose you disagreed with Eisenhower's warning?
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