I was reading through the comments for the post "On Tea and (Little) Sympathy II," and I was struck by something that I couldn't quite put my finger on at the time. It's amazing what sleep can do for the brain. I realized that I've never had a good discussion with my conservative friends about what it is that seems to unite the nation's racial, ethnic and sexual minorities against political conservatism, and concomitantly, the GOP.
Obviously, this is not universal rejection, because there certainly are racial, ethnic and sexual minorities who are quite politically conservative. But, what is it about the philosophy that seems not to attract significant minority support? How is it that we have come to see the world so differently that the GOP has almost become the party of white folks, and the Democratic party multicultural?
Hmm. I'm not one of your "conservative friends" but I am one a them "sexual minority" types you mentioned.
I could answer your question.
Ok ok...I'll wait until some of them conservatives weigh in first.
Don't wanna be, you know, pushy or elitist or nuthin...
Suddenly it's mighty quiet 'round here.
I'm just sayin'...
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