Monday, April 19, 2010

Countdown to the Opening of the MLK Memorial

I don't know how many folks know, but a memorial to Martin Luther King, Jr. is being constructed on The National Mall in Washington, DC. The memorial itself will be on the shores of the Tidal Basin, in the midst of the cherry blossoms. The site plans look amazing, and I think that the location, around the bend from the exquisite FDR Memorial, will guarantee maximum foot traffic.

I also like the fact that the memorial will be across the Tidal Basin from the Jefferson Memorial ("the Jeff"), if only as a way to say that all men, in fact, are created equal, and King was instrumental in driving that point home nearly two centuries after Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.

I am definitely looking forward to visiting the memorial, which is set to open in the Fall of 2011. Check out the cool video:

If you want more information about the King Memorial, or if you would like to donate to the effort to complete the memorial, please check out this site, and take a look.

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